Unable to files
Unable to files

unable to files

Just before this error occurs, Visual Studio would have frozen and closed either due to it capturing an error, or because I had no choice but to close it. Other times, I have to force it to close through Task Manager. Sometimes, whatever is holding it up will clear out and I can get back to work. Although I am running on a relatively clean install of Windows XP (not upgrading to Vista anytime in the near future), and Visual Studio 2005, i have many instances where Visual Studio 2005 will freeze for seemingly no reason. Now let me digress to the behavior that occurred just prior to the error. At first, this error really ticked me off, as it left me with no path to troubleshoot and/or correct the error. If your Visual Studio crashes as much as mine does, you have invariably ran into an error stating "Unable to write to output file : Unspecified error".

Unable to files